Pumpkin Pie

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being lonely
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Pumpkin Pie

Post by being lonely » Oct 16, 2015 Views: 1979

Fine flour ½ kg
Icing sugar 1 cup
Baking powder 1 pinch
Unsalted butter 100 gm
For Filling:
Pumpkin ½ kg
Cream 1 cup
Icing sugar 2 cup
Eggs 4
Cinnamon powder ½ tsp
Dry fruits for garnishing

Cooking Directions
In a mixing bowl add fine flour, butter, icing sugar and baking powder mix it well and prepare hard dough.
Now roll the dough and set on pie tray and place a heavy object on top.
Then put it into pre-heated oven for 20 minutes on 200 C for baking and set aside.
For filling:
Mash pumpkin in a mixing bowl.
Now add eggs, cream, icing sugar and cinnamon powder mix it properly.
Now pour the mixture on prepared pie.
Chop the dry fruits and put on the pie.
Then put the pie again into a pre-heated oven for 15 minutes on 200 degree centigrade for baking.
In the end dish out and serve it.

Mai ap apni moat ki tyaarion mai hon..!!!
Meray khilaaf apki Saazish fazool hai..!!!

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