Dhuaan-Daar Murgh

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Dhuaan-Daar Murgh

Post by mariakhan » Dec 07, 2007 Views: 3715


1 lb. Chicken
½ lb. Yoghurt
1½ tbsps. Ginger(paste)
1½ tbsps. Garlic(paste)
3 nos. Onion(medium)
3 nos. Tomato(big)
2 tbsps. Red Chilies(powder)
¼ tsp. Turmeric Powder
½ tbsp. Cumin Seeds
4 nos. Cloves
3 nos. Cardamom
5 nos. Black Pepper
1 piece Cinnamon
Vegetable Oil for frying
Salt to taste

2 pieces of charcoal for smoking the dish


1. Marinate chicken in curd, ginger-garlic paste, red chilli pwd, turmeric and salt and set aside.
2. Grind together Onions and tomatoes.
3. Heat oil and add jeera, cloves, cardamons, cinnamon and 2-3 bay leaves.
4. When tempered, to it add the ground tomatoes and onions and saute well till the masala begins sticking to the sides.
5. Then add the marinated chicken and cook for a while. Keep stirring occasionaly.
6. Now add required water for chicken to cook. Cover and let it simmer.
7. Meanwhile keep the pieces of charcoal on gas flame till it becomes embers.
8. When chicken is done and oil is floating on top. Turn off the heat.
9. Keep a small bowl or even onion peels on top of the gravy, place the embers on it and drop a few drops of oil on it. Cover the vessel immediately.
10. Do not allow smoke to escape. Let it stay for 5 mins and then dish out.

The smoking can be done after dishing out as well, It makes the dish very dramatic if opened at the table with the smoke coming out.

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