Hair care tips

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Hair care tips

Post by andymark25415 » Feb 10, 2014 Views: 1660

For the best hair care we have to follow natural treatment like, we have to eat green vegetables, and drink plenty of water daily its help to control hair fall. avoid junk foods, that foods contain with high fat and included with too much oil. that foods give the bad effect on our hair. like hair fall, hair whitening etc. do some exercise daily, exercise through the bad diseases out from the body by sweat. so exercise very important to keep our hair healthy and strong . if we will eat healthy diet and do some exercise daily than we can stay away from that hair fall problem.

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Post by David147 » Apr 17, 2015

Here are 10 tips for to keep your hair strong, smooth, shiny and beautiful!

1. Keep your diet balanced, and eat protein and calcium rich foods. Stay away from junk foods! This is essential for healthy hair.

2. Foods and supplements to nourish your hair:

* Beans
* Yogurt
* Almonds
* Vitamin B
* Fish
* And of course, the magic potion for beauty - WATER

3. Before washing your hair, comb it well to make sure all knots has been loosened from your hair.

4. Before applying shampoo, use warm water (35 to 38 degrees Celsius) to run through your hair to rinse and wet it thoroughly.

5. When applying shampoo or conditioner, don't use your fingernails to scrape through your hair. Instead, use your palm and fingertips to massage your scalp and hair gently, in circular motions. This will help the circulation and also help to keep your hair shiny and smooth.

6. After rinsing away all the shampoo, run water over your hair for at least another half a minute (3 minutes is best) to ensure there are no remains of shampoo remaining in your hair, since this will cause a great deal of damage to your scalp.

7. When applying hair treatment products, do so just after you have washed your hair, so that your hair can absorb all the good stuff while it is half wet. This will be the best time for it to absorb nourishment.

8. NEVER go to bed with your hair wet! Hair that is half wet is most easily broken, and if you sleep during this time, your hair will be rubbing against each other, damaging your hair in the most terrible way.

9. Too much pressure may lead to hair loss! Relax... try some good relaxation methods such as soaking in a nice scented bath, listening to music, and eating healthy comfort foods such as strawberries and grapes.

10. Perming and coloring seriously damages your hair. Avoid it as much as possible. Also, when using hair setting products such as gel or putty, use as little as possible, because they hurt your scalp and hair. Wash them out thoroughly afterwards with a shampoo specially created for removing styling products.

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Post by korryaldrin » Apr 21, 2015

Moisturize your hair. Use five oils: almond, castor, olive, coconut and lavender oils. Mix together equal proportions of each. Alternately, use egg oil. Apply to the hair and leave in for four hours prior to showering out. Repeat twice a week.

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Post by roggerbinny423 » Apr 25, 2015

The most of the common reasons behind the hair loss problems is due to Un-healthy diet like fast food, which contains synthetic and fibre hard to digest and leads to constipation problems. We have to eat healthy diet supplements, which is fully enriched of vitamins, proteins and minerals for the proper growth of the hair.
Last edited by roggerbinny423 on Apr 28, 2015, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by jammy » Apr 25, 2015

nice tips .... amazing guys.

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Post by revasharma3 » May 21, 2015

Now hair loss is common problem in men and women. There are number of products and medical treatment to stop hair loss problem.

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Post by David147 » Jul 02, 2015

The main thing about having healthy hair (which will grow faster than unhealthy hair) is to treat your hair well. Be careful to not break any hairs, and do not put it into tight ponytails or other hairdos that will break hair. Also, a scalp massage is useful. It stimulates the scalp and increases blood flow to the area. Use the tips of your fingers to massage in small circles over your whole scalp. It is necessary to trim off your split ends, but do not trim your hair so often that it can never grow. If you aren't using heat, you probably don't have many split ends, and therefore only have to trim your hair every 6 months.

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