Dhania Fish

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Dhania Fish

Post by mariakhan » Dec 07, 2007 Views: 3377


4 nos. Fish(fillets)
¼ cup Coriander powder
2 tbsps. Red Chili Powder
3 tbsps. Garlic(paste)
2 tbsps. Lime juice
4 tbsps. Vegetable Oil
Salt to taste

Coat washed fish fillets with lemon juice and salt. Marinate for 2 hours.
Place the fish in a baking dish coating it with oil.
Mix rest of the ingredients with tiny bit of salt and coat this on the fish.
Cover the baking dish with foil with a little hole in the corner.
Bake at 350 °F for about 35 minutes or until done. The time to bake actually depends on the kind of fish you are using. So check every twenty minutes or so.
After the fish is about cooked, use a brush to re-coat the thick mixture lying at the bottom of the dish on to it.
Broil uncovered for 5 minutes before serving.

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